I met Dolly at kickboxing class and said this chick is sooo cool and fierce, I must stay in contact! Fast forward, I jumped on her fitness routine since May 2020 and kept it going till today!! Today we are runners!!! Because of u I joined challenges to get me to the next level!! I’m so happy to have met such a wonderful soul and someone who is full of positivity always!! Mom, wife, fitness trainer (bc u are), runner, so much more!!! So so happy to have a Dolly in my life!
JMar Eliz
Health and wellness is a must especially in these days and times. This program has been a Godsend and really helped me get in the best shape of my life. I learned how to eat right and feel good about doing it! Definitely worth the investment for the long term gains!
JMar Eliz
Rasheen George

Let me tell you about my sister our sister
Dolly George-Harris
I felt like I was loosing me for a little bit today! Even shed a tear expressing my anger...as I called her about a situation despite her own things going on in her life she listened! She asked questions! we had a open ended conversation! She congratulated me on acknowledging what the issue was and where I could of handled it better! I've known her for over 20 years! we old but she has the heart of gold and honestly made me realize my flaws and a better person! I can speak to her about anything! She makes time to understand the individual! and what their motivation and triggers are! Love ya sis! Rock that interview
Get you a Dolly
Shana S Jones